This story was inspired by actual events that took place in 2002. A heavily pregnant American novelist Naomi (Genesis Rodriguez) and her husband Matt (Vincent Piazza) were traveling in a rental car to Norway to attend a small book tour.
Caught in bad weather, the couple decided to pull to the side of the road until the weather settles down a bit, only to wake up buried under snow and caught in a blizzard. With very little food and water and a baby on the way, tells the harrowing story of their struggles they encountered and what they had to do just to survive for over the next three weeks – something they weren’t prepared for.
Poor ratings, reviewers complained that it was boring but seriously, it is a true story of a couple stuck in a car over three weeks! It’s not like they could do anything else but tell the story of how they were able to survive so long with limited food supplies, stuck in icy cold conditions and not enough clothes/blankets to keep them warm.
What was more harrowing, was the fact that they were buried under snow, unable to be seen by passer-by – the only ones who could save them was themselves. Definitely worth a watch.
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