24 January 2017

ARROWS PLUS – (17 Wallace Avenue, Point Cook, Victoria – Australia)

Now this is a sport that would suit people with a small budget. Bookings are essential, for it is a very popular sport. So if you want to find out if this is the sport for you, give it a go, it would not affect your budget. 

It only costs $15 per person, per hour but the price includes the use of equipment that is supplied to you on the day when you attend. 

 It’s a family business operated by mother ‘Irene’ and her son ‘Luke’ who are both exceptionally skilled and professional shooters. 

The venue has limited free parking spaces available and the range is an 18-metre indoor range. We were greeted by both Irene and Luke, they handed us the ‘safety rules’ sheet for us to read that you must follow before doing archery and then they explained the rules to you verbally to be sure you understood it clearly. 

They are very strict on their safety rules, so everybody can enjoy their time and leave the range without any injuries. You then need to sign-in when you start the and sign-out when leaving. 

We were handed arm guards and finger guards for your protection, asked whether you’re a right-handed or left-handed person and selected the appropriate bow for your body size. We each received six arrows and were instructed that our feet must not go over the yellow lines. 

They showed us how to place the arrow properly on the bow, how to aim and then shoot when ready. Once you shot all arrows, you must wait until everybody has before it is clear to collect your arrows and do it all again until your hour is up. 

I was pretty amazed with myself, I did manage to hit the bullseye many times! And then to make it fun and entertaining, Irene added a balloon on the target for us to hit. It was hard but I managed. I enjoyed my experience of archery so much, that I ended up going there another two more times – I was only a visitor in Melbourne. 

My second visit, my target was moved further away, I’m guessing because I needed more of a challenge and on my third visit, my target was at the end of the room. Very thrilling and self-satisfying indeed. 

They have bathroom facilities, café and if you’re keen and serious about archery, you can shop for your basic archery needs there as well. Suitable for ages 8 years+.

arrows plus

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